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Dynamic Retargeting Offers a More Relevant Experience

With the THEADX Dynamic Retargeting feature, you can show your visitors personalized automated ads about the products or services they're reviewing on your website.

We provide you with the data storage system infrastructure you need to automatically generate your dynamic retargeting ads. Just upload your product catalog to our systems and create your campaigns.

Dynamic Retargeting


THEADX Dynamic Retargeting feature allows you to turn visitors into sales to complete your shopping!

It is difficult to convince Internet users to buy something from your site in one visit. THEADX Dynamic Retargeting gives you the chance to re-recommend the products you are experiencing on your site with banners specific to your unstable visitors.

In order to create your ads automatically, we provide our data storage system;

  • • Upload your product catalog on your e-commerce or website
  • • And just create your campaigns

The system will work for you under your own logo, find the right people for each product, up to date stock / price information for your products will broadcast as long as you want.

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Dynamic Retargeting
Dynamic Retargeting


The ads you make with Standard Targeting all your visitors. If you don’t have a comprehensive web site and your daily visitors are small, you can target clicks with this model.


  • • No extensive web site
  • • Business volume and product volume is high
  • • The product is small enough to manage site page counts.
  • • Business and web site owners with a maximum of 100 visitors per day.


If you have an e-commerce website which consists much product page, you can seperate your visitors an ou can set the spending according to your desicion by using Dynamic video targeting and detailed segment targeting tools.With this way, you aim to gain customers and increase your return on investment,by allocating more budgets to users with high customer shopping rates.

  • • Who has extensive web site
  • • The product page count is much more than enough to manage site page counts.
  • • Business and web site owners with a minimum of 1000 visitors per day.
Dynamic Retargeting
Dynamic Retargeting

In this way, your site visitors interested, examined, seen or even add products to the basket, using the ready-made templates in our system again and bring them to your site to help you make sales.

THEADX Dynamic Retargeting allows you to increase your return on investment by placing your product or products in one banner to the users who will be most interested in it at the right time!
Dynamic Retargeting

Cosmetic E-Commerce Site

If you have an e-commerce site where you sell cosmetic products, you should first upload your product catalog to our systems. You can then perform Dynamic Retargeting according to the segmentations you will specify on your site.

1. Segmentation Example “BASKET”;

You can present the products they have added to the basket with dynamic banners by defining discounts for your visitors who have added the product to the basket but have not received it and you can turn the shopping experience they started into sales.

You can diversify your segmentations as follows!
  • • Search from search engines and add products to the baske
  • • You can target those who have visited the site more than once (for example, 3 times) within 1 week, and those staying on the average 3min on the product page.
Dynamic Retargeting
Dynamic Retargeting

2. Segmentation Example “VISITED PRODUCTS”

You can show your visitors the products they visit on your website with dynamic banners on different web pages and remind them of the products they are interested in and increase their return to your site and increase your conversion rate.

3. Segmentation Example “BEST SELLING PRODUCTS”

Segment your best selling products on your site with dynamic banners;

  • • Visited your site
  • • Shopping before you
  • • Visited at least one of your best selling products
  • • Visited your site and remained 2min
  • • Visited the category of at least one of your best-selling products

You can present to one or more target audiences by identifying target audiences that you can diversify as such.

Dynamic Retargeting

Real Estate Site

If you have a real estate site “Furnished 2 + 1 rental house in İstanbul, Şişli, Mecidiyeköy vicinity” and you can catch your visitors on different web sites with THEADX Dynamic Retargeting feature. You can show your customers about dynamic banners.

With the “Call to Action” feature that you will add to your ads, you can have your phones ring and direct to your switchboard and communicate with your potential customers.

Dynamic Retargeting


Simply fill in the form below to start using TheADX advanced targeting options and effective advertising models. Please enter all the information accurately and fully so that we can help you as soon as possible.

Name Surname *
E-mail *
Company *
Estimated Mounthly Budget
Phone *