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Store, Manage and Earn Revenue From Your Visitor Data!

THEADX DMP (Data Management Platform) is a technology that allows web site and application owners to store, analyze and distribute visitor data.

Not only does it help you store and analyze your visitors’ data, it also helps you generate revenue by presenting this data to other advertisers.


With THEADX DMP, advertisers have the opportunity to choose and act on the best audience for their services/products.

If you are the owner of a website or application, you can start storing all your visitor data with the code you add to your site and application.

Currently, many large data providers generate high volumes of revenue by storing visitor data and marketing it to different advertisers at no cost to you.

With THEADX DMP, you can store your visitor data yourself and track their movements to form comprehensive segments;

  • Can work succesfully for your own advertising campaigns
  • You can generate revenue by presenting this data to other advertisers through DSPs.
Dinamil İlgi Alanı Hedefleme
Remember that you can turn off your site visitor data for sale to your competitors!

Sample: If you have a business in tourism sector;
  • Adverts in the tourism sector
  • A site advertiser may close for sale

Your visitor data last;

  • 15 min
  • 1 day
  • 30 days
  • 360 days
  • 720 days

data can distinguish to times.

As the amount of time selected by advertisers decreases, the interest and interaction of the user will increase, so the value of the data you provide will increase at the same rate and your revenue wil increase in this direction.

Web Site for Pregnant Women

If you have a website or an application where you publish content for pregnant women, you can store all your visitor data with THEADX DMP;

  • Segment your data
    • 3 Months Pregnant Women
    • 9 Months Pregnant Women
    • Like newly-gave-birth..
Dinamik İlgi alanı Hedefleme
Dinamik İlgi alanı Hedefleme


If you have a price comparison site or an application, you can store all your visitor data with THEADX DMP;

  • Segment your data
    • İnterested in a brand phones
    • Interested in coffee machine etc
  • Or allow you to dynamically target all of your data, allowing advertisers to target your data as you wish and generate revenue


Simply fill in the form below to start using TheADX advanced targeting options and effective advertising models. Please enter all the information accurately and fully so that we can help you as soon as possible.

Name Surname * Email * Company *
Estimated mounthly budget Phone *